Paid Search

We specialize in running search campaigns in AdWords and Bing. Our team members are certified Google AdWords experts with long standing experience in paid search advertising. If you’re interested in testing your business in the Russian speaking world (ca. 250 mln), we would welcome the opportunity to drive your sales, or leads, via Yandex, the biggest Russian search engine.

As we highly value the money our clients spend on traffic, we carefully analyze and test keywords to find those with the highest ROAS potential. Our ultimate goal is to MAKE MONEY FOR OUR CLIENTS! That means we automatically generate highly relevant ads that direct big traffic volumes to the right landing pages in order to optimize use of the long-tail, cheaper traffic.

Organic Search (SEO)

Well planned search engine optimization significantly improves Organic rankings on Bing and Google. Even though our main focus is on Paid Search, we will gladly help you with Organic Search.

We offer a complex approach to SEO, both off and on-site, consisting of the following steps:

  • Complete SEO check;
  • Identification of all relevant keywords for web content optimization;
  • Competitive analysis;
  • Technical optimization;
  • Content optimization;
  • Structural optimization;
  • Monthly ranking reports;
  • Monthly and ad hoc cost reports.


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